Sing for Life relies on support from many people, organizations and businesses. We want to recognize all those who make it possible for us to continue to provide programs and services to our program participants.
The lifeblood of any non-profit organization is its ongoing individual supporters. Membership purchases and donations from private individuals are a vital and significant source of the funding Sing for Life needs to continue its work at Edmonton Institution for Women and in the community.
We are particularly grateful for our members who provide us with a stable support base. In particular, we would like to recognize the following people who have shown their generosity through purchasing a life membership.
Cheryl Balay Catherine Bell Rita Burns Susan Cribbs Vanessa Desa Raegina Diceman Mark Freeman Norman Gee | Janet-Sue Hamilton Jennifer Lambert Kevin Lewis Patricia Murray Lynn Penrod Eileen Szakacs Glen Walker Michael Wayman |
Many of our members also make donations in addition to their membership purchases. Some of these donations are in-kind contributions of pianos and guitars. We would like to thank you ALL for your generosity and friendship.
The following list of members and donors includes contributions made in the last two fiscal years (2021-22 and 2022-23).
$3,000 and Over
Lynn Penrod
$1,000 to $3,000
Eva Bostrand
John Cameron
Wes Caswell
Peter Malcolm
Up to $999 Catherine Armstrong Kathleen Baergen Cheryl Balay Jason Bossert Gail Boutilier Gwen Bright Nancy Bullard Bill Cairns Cathy Craig Sandra Croll Emily Donohue Louise Dorner Beverly Engen Lois Gander Norman Gee Cathy Grant Cynthia Hamilton Janet-Sue Hamilton Shelagh Hamilton Linda Haswell Art Hughes Liz John-West | John Kilduff Mary Anne King Jo-Ann Kolmes Carol Kuzyk Bernadette LaFleur Brenda Mantie John McCune Donna McKay Margaret Mitchell Carolene Philipchuk Joseph Schuldhaus Neil Simonton Linda Slater Lori Stewart Janice Sutherland Debbi Wallace Michael Wayman Jocelyn Wedman Shirley Wilfong-Pritchard Irene Wilson Ebeline Zee-Hawtin |
Greg and Pricilla Young of Heritage Piano provide generous sponsorship of Sing for Life through the donation of tuning and technical services for the pianos provided by Sing for Life for use at Edmonton Institution for Women, the Bissell Centre and elsewhere in the community.
Canada’s largest musical instrument retailer, Long & McQuade, is a family-owned and operated business that is committed to supporting community organizations. Through its downtown Edmonton location, the company is a key sponsor for the music program at Edmonton Institution for Women. They have provided several guitars that are essential to offering individual lessons to the women at EIFW and offer us a discount on strings and other items related to the program.
Millar Thompson donates legal services to Sing for Life through an arrangement with one of their partners. Their Edmonton office, formerly Cook Duke Cox, traces its roots back to a period shortly after the crude oil discovery near Leduc #1 that started the Alberta oil rush. In 1999, the Edmonton office forged a relationship with Miller Thomson, laying the cornerstone of a national firm. Miller Thomson is now one of the city’s leading commercial law firms, with lawyers of national and international reputation who continue to have deep connections to Edmonton’s local history.
Silver Studios, owned and operated by Caleb Nelson, sponsors Sing for Life through the provision of technical support and advice as needed on matters related to audio/video recordings and live sound production. Caleb is an accomplished singer, vocal coach, guitarist, sound and recording engineer, and DJ. We value his support for our work very highly.
Trent, a St. Albert-based composer and arranger who is a long-standing friend of Sing for Life, has for many years provided choral arrangements of popular songs tailored to the needs of the choir at Edmonton Institution for Women and the Edmonton Downtown Men’s Choir. He has also prepared practice tracks and engineered audio recordings for us. We are beyond grateful for his ongoing talent, commitment and support.
Until 2021, Field Law donated legal services to Sing for Life through an arrangement with one of their associates. They also provided direct financial support for one of our program initiatives, through the Field Law Community Fund Program.
The City of Edmonton provides operating and project support through the Edmonton Arts Council. We are very grateful for both the financial support we receive and the encouragement to continue working on enhancing our community outreach programs.
The Foundation provides annual operating support and contributes valuable project support from time to time.
We are most grateful for ongoing contributions to support program delivery from the Muriel Hole Fund at Edmonton Community Foundation. ECF also provides Sing for Life with project funding from time to time, as well as advice and support related to the development of endowments and other forms of giving.
Through its artsvest sponsorship development program, Business / Arts provides training, mentorship and matching funding for non-profit organizations in several provinces, including Alberta. We are grateful for all of the value we have received from this program. This is made available free of charge through the generosity of corporate and private contributions, and grant support from participating provincial governments.
We at Sing for Life also value very highly the support we receive from other community organizations, including the Rotary Club of Edmonton and private sources that wish to remain anonymous.
John Neilson, QC, was made an Honorary Life Member in 2019 shortly before he passed away. John was instrumental in establishing the Sing for Life Society of Alberta and was a founding member of the board of directors. He served on the board continuously from its inception until illness led him to resign during 2019. John’s many contributions to Sing for Life are too numerous to list here. Suffice it to say that his contributions to Sing for Life, his voice and his joie de vivre are legendary and his legacy will stand for many years.